the video that i believe is playing right there on the upper right corner, of these two fighter pilots who see this unusual phenomenon that is flying around in front of them. when you listen to these guys, you initially hear them say there's a whole bunch of them, and if you watch that little object in the middle of the screen, i'm an airplane enthusiast, that doesn't look like anything that i've ever seen before unless there is some new kind of drone that can fly at 20,000 feet. what is so cool about this, at least from my perspective, is that they are actually talking to military personnel, to pilots, to people who through the years historically have had these unusual things happen to them. they are taking down their information and following up on it. it's very similar to the project blue book that the fbi did and stopped back in the late '60s. >> tucker: it sounds like two things, there are an awful lot of pilots, military pilots and commercial pilots, who have seen objects that appear to defy physics.