despicable today. they voted to put an end to net neutrality. this is the rule that says everyone gets equal access to the internet. a big company or somebody selling crocheted owls from their house in the midwest. now, as long as they tell us they're doing it now, internet service providers will be allowed to slow down or block web traffic to any website or streaming service they like which benefits the big telecom companies and does the opposite for all of us. thank you president trump, thanks to you and this jack hole you appointed to run the afcc. big corporations are about to take full control of the internet. merry christmas, everybody. steve: i don't think he liked it. actually, the way the obama administration regulations were written, they benefited google and netflix and things like that. now they are just cutting the cord on the regulations saying essentially, that your internet service provider, whether it's comcast or via owes, whoever you get your internet from, they would be able to charge somebody who uses a lot of internet like netflix,