it could be three, four points, just looking at the projections right now. the raw vote total is roughly 9,000. we had 22,044 write-ins. you talked to chris stirewalt earlier about it. 22,000, that is double the difference. there you see the lead is increasing on the raw vote total, 670 now. just looking at the map, looking where the votes are, it doesn't seem like it's going to get to that half percent, not even close. more like it's expanding and not contracting. i think eventually, you are going to see from the moore campaign a concession. >> shannon: it's interesting because in watching the data we were getting in the fox news voter analysis, one of the groups we were really watching were white evangelicals because i think they went by 90% or more for mitt romney in the last big race, the presidential race. tonight, the split was 74%,