treated for his wounds are they questioning him before they treat him. >> he can't question him before they read him his rights. brian, before did you go crazy, he is answering questions any way. steve: he is sting singing like a canary. we know so much about him. brian: we don't know if he is telling the truth. we need to corroborate what he is saying. we need time. >> correct and the fbi and nypd are far better at that than the military in cuba and prosecutorial record and the record of the civilian prosecutors are better in the new york and in d.c. than they are in guantanamo bay. ainsley: does he have an attorney. >> i don't know if he has an attorney. i'm going to guess he has rejected an attorney because is he singing like a bird. brian: judge i know for a fact that's not true you need ininternational interrogation experts not nypd counters terror. i'm telling you that's what these people are trained for. they need to be talking to this guy to stop the next attack. >> i would bet on the fbi more than any other entity backed up by the nypd to