custodian can take it and look at the ink so that we can find out is the ink a month old or is it 40 years old. the truth is out there. until she released the year book, all we know is they're not telling the truth and they have lied. under the alabama pattern jury instructions, it says -- tells a jury, if a witness has lied in anything, you can disregard everything they said. so again, gloria allred, release the year book. it's been 23 days. release the year book. thank you. >> thank you, phillip. in addition to that, you know that we've been -- had accusations coming to us, been fed through some republicans in washington. mitch mcconnell started this attack on judge moore back during the primary and during the run-off. it's continued we felt all along that he's been involved in this and the republican establishment has been involved in this. now today it's been verified but a news report that some