general, that is my job, it's not to consider their political consequences. it was one of the staff directors for one of the committees on the hill that we have worked with a lot. i don't want to name his name right now. he's no longer there, as a matter of fact. >> tucker: political considerations, by definition, should have no bearing. >> absolutely not. as a i.g., you are not a d, you are letter are, you are a i.g. what they resorted to, he's a pawn of the right, a shill of the right, attack the messenger, that is what happens. >> tucker: to sum this up, to make this clear, you in effect, you heard complaints from intelligence agencies at their information was residing on an unsecured server. you bring this concerns to the congress and you are dismissed as a right-wing pond prayed >> absolutely. that's a good point. the agencies were quite unhappy about what was going on. they were not happy that their information was not protected the way it should have been.