cranberry farm. >> long days and it takes us about a month to harvest all of our cran berries. but this is kind of the reward for all the hard work. >> this seems like a lot of fun. i want you to put me to work if you think that's okay. >> absolutely. >> so i don't know a lot about cranberry farming but i do know it involves a lot of water and waiter. so maybe we can suit up and head out. >> absolutely. >> i have never put a pair of these guys in my life. you take your shoes off first? >> yep. >> oh, okay. >> i like the sitting part. this is going pretty well. >> you are going to get done before i do. >> heck, yeah. >> just kind of grab on here. >> what? >> just like that. >> yeah. >> i will wait here. this looks easy. so your goal is you want to grab here's you can, just like that pull and step. >> there is only the one step though. this is the step, right? >> oh my god, if i fall.