him around in the last couple of days, are you reading any republicans who say, well, now i'm open to talking to jones or is it just sort of him energizing the democrats that there are in alabama? >> perfect example of this, leland. a little while ago as the event was breaking down i met a guy who say that is he was in jones' fraternity in college and really wants to vote for him because of the personal connection but he's having a really hard time just with the thought of possibly voting for a democrat, even somebody who he has known for years, i last time the last time he saw jones and he said at college reunion. there are some life-long republicans that are curious and turned out to the event but it's not easy for them. leland: we will see what moore's will do to counter that. busy weekend coming up for you, thanks, peter. >> thanks. julie: tax reform moves to the senate where 7gop lawmakers are raising red flags, can