that police going to where people are most being victimized, which is tragically in black neighborhoods is not going to get the cops in trouble. >> tucker: right. so, ted, i mean, when i was a kid, cities were de-populating because of crime. do you think people have forgotten what that was like. >> i think we are in a different time right now. and you are finding that especially in predominantly black neighborhoods, good people are fearful to just come out in the neighborhood because they don't know the difference whether good police officers are going to be there to help them out or whether the crook is their best friend. and what i am saddened about right now is to try to tie police officers' hands. there is a case, t constitutionally, terry vs. ohio. that dealt with stop and frisk. and the supreme court has given police officers the right to stop someone if they're in fear of their own safety, they can do a patdown and they can even go