woody allen, he said to me. in all seriousness, he says, "those are the sex symbols." no offense, but english was also their first language? well, that was the other thing that he mentioned. - right. - that they all mentioned to me. they said, "so the body's too big. no one ever has become a leading man with an accent, especially with a german accent. maybe get you a job on 'hogan's heroes' or something. you can play a nazi officer or something." but he said, "believe me, arnold, we like you. but movies? forget about it." so how did you crack hollywood? well, so i just was persistent, because i-- like i said, i had my own vision, and so i chased that vision. i said to myself, "okay, the amount of work that i put into bodybuilding, five, six hours a day, if i put the same amount of effort into acting, and i go to acting class and accent removal classes and speech classes and english classes and do all of this stuff, that eventually something has to happen because i'm gonna get good at it." and so this is exactly what happened.