to how many changes the senate can impose on the house version because they've got to make sure that the tax cut is no more than $1 1/2 trillion over a 10-year period. >> harris: is that why they want to put their own plan out? if you do, that the house gets to see what you do in their hands. >> stu: we're hearing some unfortunate things coming out of the senate. >> harris: you don't like this. >> stu: i don't. >> harris: why not? >> stu: i want a reaganesque tax cut that restores the growth and prosperity. this does not do that. as long as you have the people that pay taxes now paying more, even more in the future, you don't stimulate the economy like you could have if you're giving tax cuts across the board. >> harris: i know you say you think the president will sign this anyway. you know, he goes his own road. so if he looks at this and decides no, i'm not unless it's across the board. no, i'm not unless these certain things are happening. >> stu: he could do that. i don't think he will because it would really, really hurt the republican party.