jackie: that's great. carley: i think they raised $830,000 so far. jackie: 5 bucks is a lot for hashtag. rob: important pr for the nfl right now. carley: you're absolutely right. rob: 27 minutes after the hour, democrats immediately calling for gun control right after the texas church massacre, elizabeth warren says thoughts and prayers are not enough, senator in connecticut. jackie: too soon to politicize the tragedy, we will debate that next of green mountain coffee roasters sumatra reserve. let's go to sumatra. the coffee here is amazing. because the volcanic soil is amazing. so we give farmers like win more plants. to grow more delicious coffee. which helps provide for win's family. all, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. green mountain coffee roasters. i ...prilosec otc 7 years ago,my doctor recommended...