>> tucker: what should the radicalization be. >> it should be, we are a diverse community, tucker. there will be the apologists. in denial. the reaction knees to be we not only need to wake up. we need to tell every americaner who knows us that america needs to shift from talking about terrorism, violent extremism to talking about political islam, talking about islamism, talkingl about jihad and the insurgency. we might have short-term allies like saudi arabia and others against al qaeda and isis, but they are not our long term ally. the only true allies of america, tucker are free-thinking muslims who want to reform. this week, protestantism enjoyed its 500th anniversary since its reformation. i will remind you 8 million people died in the 30 years war. islam is 1438 years old. a muslims need to wake up that we are just beginning this long and possibly bloody process as we see in the middle east for reformation, for freedom, for liberty.on americans need to take side in this war. and i hope we can get a strategy under the leadership of president trump that engages