i think it's also important that we understand that he arrived in america in 2010 from uzbekistan. a long history both on the one hand of struggling with a w tyrannical despotic regime and on the other hand the opposition having been hijacked by the so-called islam movement of uzbekistan, a jihadist movement, strong ties in central asia, strong ties in china where there is also an armed uprising going on, and strong ties with the taliban terrorist as well. i think it's an incredibly dangerous for us to assume that this man had no at least ideological collections with his fellow travelers in the global jihadist insurgency. >> tucker: you are one of the most clear and informed voices voices on the subject. i really hope our policymakers are listening to you. always an honor to have you, thank you. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: up next, more on why this happened, how it might be prevented next time, and what it means. gillian turner, and james