are still not exactly known. are we adding more to the tax code instead of subtractingsome. >> i don't think so. i don't think that's going to happen. there's no taste, i don't think, no appetite for raising the highest rate. it makes no sense east, i mean, you can't hate job creators and love jobs. and if you want middle class prosperity, you've got to make the employers happy to hire these people, to give them jobs that they otherwise wouldn't have had, to raise the wages that we all want for the middle class. that also requires the cooperation of the upper class and lower. i mean, you know, we're all in this stuff together. as kennedy said, a rising tide raises all boats, and this is a kennedy-esque tax bill that is really wonderful. david: i'm wondering if all republicans know that because when they first came out with their tax plan a couple of weeks ago, they had a line saying it won't be any less progressive, and it's progressivity that has widened that divide between the