watch this. >> president trump: we have actually in the republican party in a true sense we have great unity. look at the democrats with bernie sanders who got taken advantage of by the dnc. now you see all the stuff coming out. you see what's happening. but you look at hillary and bernie, that's big league stuff. we have very, very minor. we have great unity. >> bill: is this relative? we watched the dust-up this week. it's confounding for a lot of people. now there are pieces being written if you aren't on the trump train as a republican you are in danger ala jeff flake. >> these are definitely crazy times. as a long-time political observer i love all of it and i think it's healthy for the system to have the discord and the open discussion of differences. i think it's healthy. exactly what the founders intended. i think it's great. but i do think that the president makes a very important point and that is