to succeed. a lot of people do not like his tweeting and his punching down and kicking every bark dog. mostly republicans don't like that. i'm going to be around him for the rest of his term, i hope. a chance to do big things on immigration. get the best chance -- let's do what we got sent here to do. >> brian: what's interesting about you, you have a lot of pride but you have your eye on the ball. i just asked our green room, can you give me an idea of some of the exchanges between senator lindsey graham and the president of the united states? he is one of the dumbest human beings have ever seen. in my opinion -- >> me or the president? >> brian: the president. he didn't even commit for voting for him but you golfed with him last week. >> i did not vote for him. i've voted for a guy you would know if you walked in the door. that's how bad it was. he whatnot, i i lost. he beat me like a drum.