because it means that they don't tell the story of half of the country. i think that's really what's missing from mainstream media. >> tucker: i think that's right. there is very little cultural diversity. i actually learned something as somebody who has spent his life hunting around guns. i didn't know how often guns were used defensively. >> yeah. >> tucker: by law abiding people in this country until i read it from you. >> it's an interesting thing.op all the issues i plunged into. climate change, poverty programs, and guns, i really learned a lot from people, from experts i wouldn't ordinarily talk to. i talked to john lott about guns and learned enormous amount about them. e gun homicides in this country have gone down by over half in the last 20ic years as the number of guns in this country have gone up. we spend time talking about gun control. we don't actually talk about the things that actually drove gun homicides down over the last 20 years. why don't we talk about that more? the interest of the story, i didn't even know the term