don't raise somebody else's taxes to balance your tax cut. cut taxes, grow the economy and if you don't like the debt, vote to cut spending. i have bills to reform the entitlements that would help save us trillions of dollars if those so-called deficit hawks that don't like tax cuts come to sign on to my bills that would reform the entitlements and save trillions. that's what we ought to be doing. >> bill: is this corporate tax cut is it 20% or 25%? will it go to 25? >> the president tells me he is for the lower the better. so am i. i want to go as low as possible. right now the powers that be have it at 20. if they get weak-kneed and capitulate to 25 it won't be much of a tax cut. it won't do that much good. >> bill: last summer you were a thorn to the white house and the president. you helped with the executive order signed a week ago. just give me a sense for the state of your relationship.