health plans have been talked about for years. let's say you belong to an association like the farm bureau or some sort of, i don't know, association of baseball players or something. you can get together. before you could only buy health insurance in the state where you were. the president is saying why should people be able to buy across state lines? traditional insurance companies are probably going to hate this but innovative ones or places like aflac will probably like it. >> jesse: aflac. when trump was in the campaign, we know he's not a policy wonk when it comes to health care. the one thing he said during the debate, the competition around the lines, do the thing with the finger. this is that. finally, choice and competition. it brings prices down. before, obamacare loaded up these plans with these mandates. if you are healthy, single, 28-year-old male coming up to pay for an expensive plan that has aromatherapy and maternity care. you don't have that anymore. when consumers go shopping, they