music. greg: the piano made it for me. the punch line was like a frisbee in the desert, you can see it coming at you. >> no, no, it's like a plane at laguardia taking 40 minutes to go from the gate to the runway. can you see it. you can see it. and the pilot is saying, hillary's punch line is 18 and that's how it is when hillary tells a joke. that timing, kat, is brilliant. greg: kat, what did you make of the performance. well, you are a female writer? >> i sure am. a female and a writer. greg: that's two full-time occupations. >> exactly. what grinds my gears about this, greg, you hear people say fox news won't stop talking about hillary. hillary won't stop talking about hillary. if you have a friend, my ex-boyfriend won't stop texting me. are you texting him back? well, i'm texting him first but he keeps replying to me.