specifically the majority leader risk becoming sort of irrelevant if the president decides hey, look, i've got to get things done and i'm going to do it with the democrats. >> leader mcconnell has demonstrated cycle after cycle that nobody is as capable of raising the kinds of funds he has in the senate and so he's clearly got -- >> ryan, that may be cycle after cycle but right now i have got republican donors saying to me i'm not going to mcconnell dinners and saying i can't raise money for senate republicans. >> for everyone who says that, there's about 20 who can't wait to get in. so i think that the people who are being plucked off and identified as angry are not necessarily his network. but they may be other people's network of donors. >> all right. well, the fund-raising totals will tell the tale. ryan and michael, appreciate it, sir. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you.