"f" for failing, the fact that he hurt people is tragic, but minimal damage of what could have been done, the car wasn't filled with explosives and-- >> it's interesting if you're a pedestrian and whatever and we carry headsets or ear buds and we're oblivious what's going on around us. >> oblivious, but you see people walking into stop signs today and they're not doing the what-if scenarios. put people in two categories, sheep or lions. you don't need to be built like hercules to be the lion, you can make observations. we shouldn't be the sheep, sheep get slaughtered. neil: listening to music or something else. can you talk to my teenage son about this? that's a problem. >> (laughter) . neil: thank you, we'll keep things going on. and talking about london and las vegas. the arrival of the vice-president and his wife to check on how developments are going there. and still trying to find out whether there were anyone else involved in that, certainly the planning of that. we've got the owner of the vegas

Related Keywords

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