this off now has to tell us something, sir. >> certainly raises questions. i think when the police immediately said that they were basically clearing her, i think that was maybe one of those things said in the fog of war. that was a statement made before they had other information. to me this is still early stages, certainly in the early stage yesterday and no matter how you look at this she would have to be questioned and a person they would want to talk to. if nothing else for background information on him but because of the close relationship during a time when he was accumulating all these weapons and why she is out of the country now. all of that is something that i think is important they ask her. >> bill: four years ago after sandy hook you co-authored a bill that would essentially stiffen up background checks for gun buyers across the country. the bill didn't go anywhere. do you think if it were on the books now that any of that could have tripped somebody