this is where people come to succeed. this is where people come to earn money. this is where people come with ideas. look at silicon valley. we have silicon valley because people can come here with great ideas and build businesses and succeed. this is what makes america great we want people to succeed but we want people to pay their fair share of taxes. >> maria: now you sound like a globalist. that's what they say there's one faction in the white house whose the globalist, and then there's another faction that just wants to cut across-the-board. where do you sit? >> gary: i want a fair and equitable tax system one that allows the united states economy to compete on a global basis and one that is fair and allows middle class families to keep more of what they earn. >> maria: isn't it true that the top 10% of taxpayers pay 70% of the tax? so if you don't cut taxes on the very people that are paying all the tax, you're not really cutting taxes. >> gary: in broad brush terms that's a relatively true status. >> maria: there you go what's