so all of a sudden i see he's down in the race by a lot. and i said, man that's really unfair. they were giving him a bum rap because he happened to be in the senate they were giving him a bum rap. and i remember the call, by the way the other people that i called and therm all fine, but you don't even remember, the dinners, the this, you don't even remember any of it, you remember the one sentence, sir don't even waste your time n' talking any more, you have a lot of business to do, you have my vote. this was a definite no. that's the cool left thing. i called him. he was down because of being saddled with stuff he was down by quite a bit. and i said i'm gonna endorse you. and he didn't believe it. hehe said, you would doll that? i said, yeah, i'm gonna do that. i shouldn't be doing it. the last thing i want to do is be involved in a primary, okay? i could be sitting home right now getting to watch some of the