if you have a place to go, family friends relatives somewhere way up in the northern part of the state, then by all means go. but if you don't have a plan, just don't go get out there on the road because it will be a lot worse. and that's a big thing. and even today i can't tell you -- well, i can't tell you there aren't very many motels or rooms in naples. there was an influx. but pretty much every restaurant is shut down. big grocery stores are shut down. you know it's going to be pretty slim pickings here. we do have some gas here which is a good thing. i'm sorry, go ahead. abby: i was going to say, mayor, they are showing the size of the storm. no matter where it goes east or west of florida it covers more than the entire state. people still in that area people haven't evacuated is there an emergency hotline or place they can go or call