we can show you, we are right on the beach here. daytona is not nearly as vulnerable to a direct hit from a hurricane at south florida is. they've only had one direct hit since 1950. that was in 1960. they do get bad storms here, including matthew last year, which swamped many of these oceanfront hotels. the 70 some million dollars worth of damages here. a lot of these hotels had to shut down and redo their windows, redo all the carpeting. flooding along the beach, shepard. they are concerned about the possibility that the storm could be wars. in matthew last year, they got help right away. this year, the entire state is going to be in trouble. the help is going to be lots slower. >> shepard: rick leventhal on the beach for us. thanks. up next, we will talk to a guy in fort lauderdale who knows very well how dangerous this hurricane can be. that's because he's already been