global cooling and now global climate change. it's models us commoners don't understand that 100 years from now lead to 1 half percent temperature change. i have to change my entire life because of a theory yet to come true. we have made dire predictions about the polar ice caps, about the coast. about the temperatures. some of which have happened incrementally not on the massive scale that these scientists have predicted. when do they have to hit crow here and say we haven't been right yet? >> my book documents the number of climate apocalypse events. if you look at each one of them. they are all predicated on molingsdzs that are failed miserably. and in the book i actually look at the science, the facts, and the data. if you look at what is actually hang, you will find that hurricanes are just one of many climate apocalypse events. if you actually look at the data. it's completely opposite of what we have been told. we see the droughts, heat waves, temperature-related deaths. things that you think are