>> molly: the entire texas national guard call to duty in southeastern texas. close to 12000 members have been helping with search and rescue efforts in delivering supplies and water to people in need. brigadier general, pat hamilton is here. he is a dual status commander for the texas national guard. sir, i know you're busy in the men and women serving their happy to do it. they're probably tired and busy as well. thank you for joining us. if you can bring us up today, how's the texas national guard helping right now, what's the status? >> it's not just the texas national guard. the dual status commander role allowed me to command all of the department of defense national guard from other states. all the department of defense assets coming into the area. that's been tremendous. right now are made focuses in east texas where we're still doing search and rescue evacuations because of the high water. were also beginning to transition a focus on distribution of commodities like water and food. working with local officials to make sure the citizens who are there get what they need. >> it's incredible when he think about when the storm landed and that the challenges are still so