renewed, joining me, one of the lawmakers leading the effort, sean duffy, good to see you. this is something that you have been working on long before harvey came along, we talked about the program, estimates around $23 billion in debts, people obviously are going to expect claims, they will be paid out, but it seems like every time there is an attempt at really reforming this program long-term, something difficult happens. of course our hearts go out to those who are impacted, but is this something that will be able to survive long-term question work >> i think what we have to do is say the congress is going to help people impacted, and by the way, only 20% of people in texas have a flood insurance, if you have just a regular policy on your house, it doesn't cover flood insurance. so what you mention, we are $25 billion in debts, it runs on a deficit, so we want to reform a program, we have people paying