social security on your arm. these are pictures of rockport. we can see the devastation. we don't have any control over camera, but as it pans you see the devastation. people who did stay home, they're going to be lucky if they rode this storm out alive and we heard from steve harrigan. that's his camera there, that the first responders are now going door-to-door trying to kick in doors, yell, scream, see if they can find anybody in that rubble. and the dangers they pace are significant. you've got the wind and rain coming down, power lines that may be down. gas lines that may be down. talked to one of our other correspondents who is holed up in one of the hotels down there, the fire alarms continue to go off. the power is out. communications are out, and last night, as we were riding the storm out from here and talking it folks down there, slowly and surely throughout the night, you lost communications inland.