russia. >> shannon: a lot of these are redacted, i think they want about him may have been redacted as well, were you able to glean many more information, besides his name? you will fight and uncover what a lot of these reductions are. >> yeah, right now, this is what it looks like, where we have peter carr's name, we just know that he received this request and receive this information, the next step is then getting it to watts was his response? how did he respond? and remember, all that we got were email documents, 413 pages of email documents, we also note that they loved making memos, not all of those are protected by privilege, and so we are actually discussions now with the department of justice and the fbi because they have now had a come-to-jesus moment on reopening this investigation, so we are now in conversations, we hope that we don't have to take them to court, but we may just have to. >> shannon: you have been notified by the fbi that they