tail tearian, anti-'mettic movement. we should condemn them. we should condemn racism on both sides. and i think you have a very strong case here, there are people who have been out there advocating shooting cops, those weren't right wingers. let's be clear. there is more than enough blame on both right and the left to say we're tired of all of you. cut it out or we're going to put you in jail. >> sean: let me ask about the president saying, you know, he spoke out on saturday, i read his tweets again. he spoke out on monday. he spoke out today. he said it again and again and again. specifically naming them. he said that he waited until he had facts. i compared it to what obama did. obama rushed to judgment, george zimmerman, trevon martin, freddy gray baltimore, was wrong on all counts he didn't wait for evidence, testimony, facts to come in. was it right for the president