no place for acts like this and there is also an interfaith service where the message was an attack on a mosque is an attack on all religions. police say this community center has received hate calls and emails before, shannon, but there have been no reported hate crimes at this center. >> shannon: matt with the latest there. thanks so much. >> leland: the department of justice and the president's top men all saying that they will stop the leaks. >> i am certain that general kelly and attorney general jeff sessions will continue to find who these leaks are. i hope they prosecute these people and put them in handcuffs and walk them out the door and make a clear determination to their colleagues this will not be tolerated. >> leland: how exactly does the attorney general propose to get the leaks under control? well, former utah congressman jason chaffetz will talk about that. plus this. >> shannon: smoke and gunfire inside a military base in