political season? eye is that where this is heade headed? >> i certainly hope that the committee makes this public as much as they can. what they're looking for, the correlation between what was unmasked and what was leaks. i think when that is discovered, and that is revealed, if that proves to be true, it is going to answer a lot of questions. is going to answer a lot of questions as to whether our intelligence community and our intelligence apparatus was being used for political espionage, and that is the question that people want answered. >> sean: the 99% of our intelligence community that risks their lives for us, they are great, but if we use those tools against americans, that is a foundation for a police state. they are spying on you and you don't have a constitutional fourth minute rights. jay, let me ask, more and more people are coming out to me saying, you talk about all these other issues, how is it possible that we don't know if they are being investigated.