that was herculean, the task. it will not be easy 18 months as we look forward to the mid-terms. if nothing else, they know what their marching orders are now and they have a president willing to pull trigger on change if that's what it takes. i've been telling my colleagues here, president trump reminds me a bit of george steinbrenner. if you're a baseball fan from the 70s. you remember all the times that he fired billy martin and brought him back, this is the kind of leadership. he's welling to make change for change's sake and sometimes has an impact. >> i hope he doesn't try to sign jesse barfield. >> well-done. >> i have to ask you one more question. i know you said that was the last thing. don't give me the silent treatment. i can't read much from the anthony scaramucci story because there is a lot of expletives.