promises. steve: he can doing what he can do without congress. >> job production alone over 800,000 since he has gotten there. he is doing many things outside of congress. we would like the congress now, the senate, to go ahead and do its job and pass healthcare reform. as the president said the other day, at the luncheon i was right there, he said to them, locked at them very mightily and said politely i hae six months. you have beenworking on this seven years. bill of horribles when it comes to obamacare, the fleeing insurers, the failed co-ops and exchanges, skyrocketing premiums and deductibles. he went and said look at all the positives that are in your bill in the senate. pass it. go home and tell your constituents, i was the guy or the gal that gave you health savings accounts to pay for your premiums that saved medicaid, which is unaffordable and unsustainable by giving more flexibility it those governors. i'm the person who went ahead and opened up the insurance market to more people who have been left behind who were lied to by