so engaging, he's funny he draws you in. but in a way he's very manipulating. he's also incredibly delusional, you see the eyes darting around you see the flash of anger. when he flashed his temper. he says i lived a conflict free life, no you didn't print i was never accused of wielding a weapon against what about the knife at rockingham. he almost felt justified in getting his memorabilia back which is insane. i think he was over sentenced for this first burglary because the judge wanted him to pay the price for skating on a double homicide but now i feel bad for nicole brown simpson's family, i feel bad for the goldman family, this opens up an incredible amount of new wounds, he's going to do whatever he can.n. i think there is going to be a new chapter in the life of oj, i don't see him riding off intove the sunset in florida, i don't think you can help himself. i don't think he has any impulse