and local police announced the arrest of more than a dozennu alleged ms-13 members. they said the group is responsible for a whole list of crimes, including the brutal murder of four teenagers last april who appeared to disrespect the gang. overall, more than 170 alleged gang members have been arrestedr in suffolk county, new york since attorney general jeff sessions was there in april. suffolk country sheriff joins us. thanks for coming on. >> my pleasure. >> tucker: tell us the scope of these arrests, who they are, what they are. >> this is a huge blow against ms-13.hi the new indictment charges three criminal incidents. it's the quadruple homicide that occurred, one of the most brutal murders we've had in the county. it also charges the murder in a bodega where an ms-13 gang member brutally shot a individual in the head right there in the bodega. it also charges two individuals with an attempted murder,n