actually above 50% now that we are debating. >> they wanted to go away and it's important to know why. they want it to go away because prices are up, choices are down, folks don't have the kind of coverage they want. they may have a card but theyt. don't have care because they can -- can't afford the deductible. there are all sorts of an array of things that are wrong withe, obamacare, with the aca and t that's what we're trying to fix. it's not just through this bill, that's what's important for people to appreciate as well. if it's an isolated activity, it's an important one. it's vital to have it but it's only one isolated activity that's going in place with his administration to make it -- >> tucker: i think it's worth paying attention to. how would trump voters be affected by it? west virginia for example, 68% of west virginia voted for donald trump. about 30% of the whole state is on medicaid. this legislation i think would reduce payments, i think that's fair to say. how would they fare under this? >> for those individuals on medicaid who are eligible previously, there's essentially no change