musical comedy russians. greg: exactly. the fun ones. >> yeah, they're one funs -- fun ones. greg: kat, i don't know, russians are just -- we treat them as if each one is somehow a spy. and i'm married to a russian, and as far as i can tell, i don't think she's a a spy yet. >> yeah. [laughter] >> that's how good she is. >> that's super deep cover. i wouldn't take that assignment, greg. [laughter] you've got to give her credit for that. >> that's how i feel. like, i think there's certain things that i have questions about. why does the story keep changing, stuff like that. however, there's that side, and then the other side is people are just going nuts over every little thing. greg: right. >> if you're a russian, automatically you can't talk to that person, or it's a nothing burger, or it's the end of the world. i don't understand when i lost my right to care just a little about something. [laughter] i want to be able to care just a little without putting on a tinfoil hat, of either side.