hang on to your counsel hat and your boots rumors this morning that kid rock may be running for senate for u.s. senate from the great state of michigan. and that's is not making elizabeth warren too happy about it she sent out a mayoral on this because she is friends with debbie stabenow who would be running against him. she said a lot of people are thinking this is some sort of joke, right? maybe this is all a joke we all thought donald trump was joking when he rode down the escalator at trump tower and announced his campaign, too. sure maybe this is a marketing gimmick for an album or tour. we thought donald trump was promoting his reality tv show, too. that was from elizabeth warren. don't look the other way on this. abby: now he is president of the united states. it does lead to questions though about people that haven't necessarily been in politics their entire life. clayton: that asset or detriment. todd: jesse ventura and arnold schwarzenegger. abby: people say this is refreshing. we want someone that is not political because it is the