emergency amtrak repairs close ago number of tracks at new york city's penn station forcing 460,000 commuters to find alternative ways in and out of manhattan. 40-million-dollar project is expected to be finished by september. and proof you can't knock down faith. private donations pouring in to help replace a 10 commandments monument that was destroyed 24 hours after it was installed. overnight donations jumping up to $55,000 for the statue arkansas state capitol grounds. the 6-foot granite tablets came toppling down after police say a man grove his car into it is he now in jail facing several charges. a look at your headlines. send it back to you guys. see you in a bit. steve: one of the rules thou shalt not over any monument? brian: i think that's 11. i think mel brooks said there were 20. steve: 15. brian: and he dropped five. or he dropped 10. steve: maybe it was 20. brian: we'll find out.

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