help counsel? how convenient for the health swap to have one of their own people writing the obamacare legislation for them and how convenient for elizabeth fowler that after obamacare past she landed a job as head of global health policy at johnson & johnson one of the chief beneficiaries of president obama's signature legislation. these big pharma companies have deep pockets and 2016 the industry spends a massive $246 million in lobbying. the abuse of power doesn't stop there. big pharma has even corrupted clinical trials. clinical tires are supposed to be an objective scientific way of showing that new medicines are safe and effective except they are not objectives. it turns out many are ghost written by the pharmaceutical industry. they carry out their own test on their own drugs and then publish them under the names of top researchers in medical journals. researchers have nothing to do with the trial.

Related Keywords

People ,Revolving Door ,Signature Legislation ,Obamacare ,Elizabeth Fowler ,One ,Head ,President Obama ,Job ,Industry ,Lobbying ,Global Health Policy ,Big Pharma Companies Have Deep Pockets ,Beneficiaries ,Johnson ,Abuse Of Power Doesnt Stop There ,2016 ,46 Million ,246 Million ,All American Way ,Tires ,Trials ,Medicines ,Big Pharma Legislation What ,Objectives ,Drugs ,Researchers ,Trial ,Many ,Test ,Journals ,Names ,Nothing ,Ghost Written By The Pharmaceutical Industry ,

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