>> oh, tucker, it's not the march. it's only some women's march. they don't like pro-life women's groups. they don't like women who want to be in power to use this commitment to defend themselves. ico wasn't invited. they don't really like all women. >> tucker: i've noticed that. how frustrating is that?n. if there was a men's march that only accepted certain kinds of men, men who believe only a certain set of things that i happen to not believe, and yet they claim to speak for all men, it would drive me crazy. how do you feel as a woman when you see this march, presented as a march that represents every woman? >> while they don't represent everywoman. frankly, tucker, i know that they may try to flail their arms. they get an apology for me or the millions of members of the nra, and one is not coming. i want to state that very clearly. i think my ad is fabulous orri d absolutely correct. stop burning down buildings and we but i'm not going to be lectured don't have a problem. by women's organization that features a key figurehead, convicted terrorist, i'm notng good to be lectured to by women

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