julie, it's a sad, sad day. >> julie: we got to argue both sides here. this president gets insulted tremendously. we're not talking about the american people. we're talking about the media. the media has a responsibility to report the news. oftentimes we all fall into that crack of exposing our opinions. we're not supposed to. at least some of us. others are opinion journalists. nonetheless, you have a cable news anchor who goes on and insults the president every day. sarah huckabee sanders said when the president hits back, he's going to hit back hard. >> yeah. i mean, look. if you're the white house and you're complaining that reporters are asking you about a stupid tweet or two that the president said, the solution is to have the president not send stupid tweets that are personal insults to a cable television host. i mean, yes, if we're gonna go by playground rules here, mika started it by going after the president in very personal terms. she talked about his hands and