feeter performer today on the all-american concert series brought to you by keurig right there on the stage 48th and sixth avenue. if you are in new york city, not only will you hear him, you will actually have breakfast. ainsley: never too early in the morning for barbecue. >> breakfast? steve: this is a bonus i didn't know. ainsley: welcome. happy friday. ed: back from the white house? ainsley: yesterday i got to interview the president and melania, the first lady. we will have that interview coming up. ed: great music. ainsley: we have the concert today. this is a wonderful friday here in new york city. steve: of course yesterday it was about midday when the draft proposal, the talking points with the republicans like to do with healthcare was unveiled. and also, at the same time, when you were at the white house, you asked the president and the first lady a myriad of questions. and asked about nancy pelosi, too. ainsley: that's right. some democrats are calling for her to step down. here is a little bit of our interview with the president.