cotton? these are people who expressed deep reservation about the house version of this. if this is the house version taken to the left or more moderate or trump might say left meme, you will lose the people. they won't vote for that. they have been outspoken critics of what the house has done to come back and vote in favor of it would be a huge bridge at this point. >> bret: all right. so do they get it or not? >> basically, they can get it if theyake it. the easiest way to do this is go back to paul ryan plan "a," fake repeal, fake replace. we'll do it later. repeal it now. take the tax revenue back out at the beginning. then we'll replace it later on. when we eventually do repeal it. at that point, rand paul starts ringing the claxon horn and everybody runs for cover. >> bret: that's what people hate about washington. we are also one election away from solving big things. >> one election away from solving the big things and if