companies to use arcane business rules in china to operate in china. we have economic tools to put pressure on the chinese in order to get them to move in north korea. brian: congressman, i don't think he took the foot off the gas in saying that i think he is tweaking them in saying that not being flagrant in displeasure. my feeling is i'm not going to embarrass you publicly, but i understand you are not doing everything you can do. i might have to take things into my own hands oh like the 57 tomahawks i sent while you were at mar-a-lago. he also sent a bombner a show force against kim jong un's north korea right after the death of otto did it right around the dmz. what else can he do next time they have a rocket launch? >> shoot it down. if the north koreans test anything, i think we destroy it before it goes down. i think we have got to show them that we have the resolve and that we have the capability to do this. and we also got to make sure